Short Term

Identifying and implementing short term strategies that can positively impact congestion in the near term is critical. Implementing strategies that make more efficient use of existing infrastructure is called Transportation Demand Management (TDM.) The I-70 Coalition’s TDM actions will target the I-70 traveler and result in decreased traffic volume during peak travel times.

Long Term

Traffic congestion along the I-70 mountain corridor is a long-standing, serious transportation problem facing Colorado. This problem is not going away since Colorado’s population is projected to increase by 47% by 2040. As the state’s only continuous east-west interstate and a virtual “main street” for local residents, severe congestion in the corridor infuriates travelers, harms local communities and small businesses, and creates challenges for intrastate and interstate commerce. Meeting the needs of this corridor through the Year 2050 will require BOTH highway widening and a transit system.

Stay Informed

We offer two options to keep I-70 travelers informed of current
activity and future plans for the I-70 mountain corridor.

I-70 Alert

The I-70 Alert e-newsletter keeps you up to date on the big picture, including current and future policies, projects, studies and initiatives aimed at fixing I-70. 
Frequency: Quarterly eBlast eBlasts keep you informed on potential impacts and opportunities related to your trips on I-70. These short updates contain timely info on construction projects, new transit options, CDOT winter operations and strategies for beating the crowds.
Frequency: An average of 1-2 times/month