When contemplating solutions for a major section of interstate such as the I-70 mountain corridor, it is critical that the alternatives are thoroughly investigated. Adding capacity and improvements along the I-70 corridor don’t only impact safety and mobility for travelers, it also impacts the environment, communities, the economy, wildlife, historic assets and more. In addition, when solutions are anticipated to cost in the millions and billions of dollars, it is in everyone’s best interest to get it right. Below are some of the studies, reports and documents that inform improvements and next steps on the I-70 mountain corridor.

I-70 Record of Decision
The I-70 Mountain Corridor Record of Decision (ROD) is the guiding document for I-70 improvements through the year 2050. In 2007, CDOT and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) convened a group of 27 diverse local governments, agencies, environmental groups and private-sector interests that were able to reach consensus on a preferred solutions for the I-70 mountain corridor. This consensus recommendation is incorporated into the I-70 corridor Record of Decision which was released in 2011.

Advanced Guideway System Study
An evaluation of the feasibility and transportation benefits of an Advanced Guideway System (AGS) in the corridor was an early action item identified in the I-70 ROD. CDOT completed the AGS Study in 2013 and found that there are multiple high speed transit technologies that are feasible for the I-70 mountain corridor. It also determined that at this point in time, there is no funding for such a system.

Traffic & Revenue Study
In 2013, CDOT initiated a study to explore possible effective, long-term solutions (50-year) to congestion in the I-70 Mountain Corridor between C-470 and Silverthorne that are economically feasible, publicly acceptable, and use minimal public funding. Except for the Temporary Peak Period Shoulder Lane, none of the alternatives and options considered would generate enough toll revenue to cover roadway capital costs. CDOT recommended advancing only the Temporary Peak Period Shoulder Lane (PPSL.)

Colorado Statewide Intercity & Regional Bus Network Study – I-70 Mountain Corridor Analysis
As part of a statewide study on intercity and regional bus service, this document looks at just the I-70 corridor analysis. This study resulted in the creation of the Bustang service which will operate round trip bus service one time each weekday between Glenwood Springs and Denver Union Station starting in Summer 2015.
High Speed Transit Economic Impact Study, 2019
High Speed Transit Economic Impact Study-Fact Sheet, 2019
I-70 Reversible Lane Feasibility Study (AKA Zipper Lane). Colorado Department of Transportation, 2010
The Impact of I-70 Congestion on Colorado. Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce, 2007
Travel Demand Management Recommendations. Rural Resort Region & Northwest Council of Governments, 2006
I-70 Coalition Travel Demand Management (TDM) Work Plan
Connected Vehicle Technology: A Primer & Pilot Studies in U.S.– April 2018
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