The I-70 Coalition is a non-profit organization representing 28 local governments and businesses along Colorado’s I-70 mountain corridor.
To enhance public accessibility and mobility in the I-70 Central Mountain Corridor and adjoining dependent counties and municipalities through the implementation of joint public and private transportation management efforts.
- Advocate for Improvements on the I-70 Mountain Corridor
- Active Involvement in Plans and Processes Affecting the I-70 Mountain Corridor
- Support Transportation Funding Initiatives
- Develop and Implement Travel Demand Management Strategies
- Information Sharing and Outreach
Learn how and why the I-70 Coalition was formed
- Clear Creek County
- Eagle County
- Summit County
- City of Aspen
- City of Central
- City of Idaho Springs
- City of Glenwood Springs
- City of Golden
- Town of Avon
- Town of Breckenridge
- Town of Dillon
- Town of Eagle
- Town of Empire
- Town of Frisco
- Town of Georgetown
- Town of Silver Plume
- Town of Silverthorne
- Town of Vail
- Town of Fraser
- Town of Grand Lake
- Town of Winter Park
- Climax Molybdenum Company
- Arapahoe Basin Ski Area
- Copper Mountain Resort
- Vail Resorts
- Winter Park Resort
Associate Members are individuals, businesses, non-profits, and regional organizations with in interest in the mission and work of the I-70 Coalition. Associate Members receive many of the same benefits as our Members. Current Associate Members include:
- Atkins
- Basis Partners
- Colorado Motor Carriers Association (CMCA)
- Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG)
- Jacobs Engineering Group
- Kiewit Infrastructure Co.
- Kraemer North America
- Northwest Colorado Council of Governments (NWCCOG)
- Parsons Corporation
- RockSol Consulting Group
- Vail Valley Partnership
Learn how to join as an Associate Member
The full Coalition meets quarterly in January, April, July and October. The 13 member Board of Directors meets eight times per year. Meetings are open to the public. To receive notices about quarterly meetings, send a request to
The Travel Demand Management (TDM) Committee is a standing committee. The Legislative Committee, Technical Committee and PR Committee are called to action as needed.
Stay Informed
We offer two options to keep I-70 travelers informed of current
activity and future plans for the I-70 mountain corridor.
I-70 Alert
The I-70 Alert e-newsletter keeps you up to date on the big picture, including current and future policies, projects, studies and initiatives aimed at fixing I-70.
Frequency: Quarterly eBlast eBlasts keep you informed on potential impacts and opportunities related to your trips on I-70. These short updates contain timely info on construction projects, new transit options, CDOT winter operations and strategies for beating the crowds.
Frequency: An average of 1-2 times/month